for general educational purposes only
Make behavior easy or difficult
The easier it is to perform a behavior, the more likely we are to engage in it.
Make behavior attractive or unattractive
The expectation of a satisfying outcome motivates us to act.
Turn your behavioral plan into action
Practical strategies for achieving your desired outcomes.
Create a plan to achieve your personal goal
Develop actionable behavioral steps to reach your goal and sustain progress.
Bring your daily habits to light
Create a habits scorecard to identify hidden patterns in your daily life.
Determine the kind of person you want to be
To change your habits, start by focusing on who you want to become.
ACT: the path to a fulfilling and meaningful life
Accept your painful thoughts and feelings, be in the present moment and take values-based action.
Biases: why you are not as rational as you like to think
Because of our cognitive biases we tend to make systematic errors in our thinking.
The framing effect: how language shapes your perception of reality
Our judgements, decisions and moral feelings are not based on reality, but on how reality is framed.
Loss aversion: taming the fear of loss for smarter decisions
We tend to be more driven to avoid losses than to achieve gains.
Optimism bias: navigating the pitfalls of unrealistic optimism
Optimism bias can cause us to make decisions based on unrealistically optimistic expectations.
Hindsight bias: Why we think we knew it all along
It is difficult for our minds to reconstruct our previous beliefs.
The anchoring effect: The power of initial values
We tend to make estimates that stay close to the first proposed value.
Life design mindset and process
Life design is about creating a meaningful and fulfilling life that is in line with your life purpose and personal values.
Design three paths for the next five years
How to design three significantly different life paths for the next five years of your life, and select one.
The life design mindset
Successfully navigating the messy, unpredictable life design process requires some simple mindsets.
Periodically evaluate your life design journey
Periodic evaluation can make the difference between achieving your design goals or not.
Build your tested path
Achieve your design goal by implementing the tested ideas of your chosen life path.
Test your chosen path
Test your chosen ideas to assess if they can take you from where you are now to where you want to go.