Challenge assumptions

Improve your judgments by questioning the unverified beliefs influencing them.

Have your unverified assumptions ever led to a decision you later regretted?

How often do you challenge your assumptions before making important decisions?

What if questioning your assumptions could lead to better outcomes in both your work and personal life?


An assumption is something that you accept as true or as certain to happen, without questioning it or looking for proof. You might assume that someone is upset because they didn’t respond to your message (mind-reading), that your project will take a month (an implicit belief), that working hard will guarantee a promotion (a causal link), that your job will always be secure (false certainty), or that you will fail again because you have failed before (a generalization). Like cognitive biases, you're often not consciously aware of your assumptions, which means you might act on them without realizing they are shaping your judgments and decisions.

Assumptions feel like facts, but they are not—they are beliefs you accept without evidence. A fact is something supported by reliable evidence and generally accepted as true. For example, the fact that the Earth orbits the Sun is supported by centuries of scientific observation and evidence. On a more personal level, a fact might be something like “He was five minutes late”—it is based on observable evidence, such as the time on a clock.

While some assumptions can be true, relying on them without questioning means you often base your conclusions, judgments, decisions, and actions on ideas that may be incorrect. Just because you assume something is true doesn’t mean it actually is. For example, assuming that someone is upset because they didn’t respond to your message might prompt you to react defensively, when in reality, they may have just been busy.

We naturally tend to take the easiest route, which leads us to jump to conclusions with little or no evidence, creating assumptions. We then don’t question these assumptions because it takes more effort than just accepting them. This is influenced by the WYSIATI bias (What You See Is All There Is)—treating the limited information we have as all there is, both when we make quick judgments and when we fail to look beyond them.

By questioning your assumptions, you can make more informed, thoughtful choices that better align with the true situation. The first step is to recognize when you’re making assumptions rather than relying on facts. Once you identify your assumptions, you can check whether they are supported by evidence and adjust your thinking when they’re not. This helps you respond more effectively, avoid misunderstandings, make better decisions, foster both personal and professional growth, and open your mind to new possibilities by encouraging a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Assumptions can affect many areas of life

Assumptions can influence many areas of your life, often without you even realizing it. Here are several areas where they might play a role:

👉 Making decisions – Assumptions can lead to impulsive or narrow choices, preventing you from fully considering all available options or their potential consequences.

Example: You might assume that the first option that feels right is the best one, without exploring whether there are better alternatives.

👉 Navigating identity – Assumptions about who you are can limit self-discovery, preventing you from embracing growth or change.

Example: You might assume that you are a certain kind of person—confident, unworthy, resilient—without questioning whether that identity is based on past experiences rather than the present reality.

👉 Mastering communication – Making assumptions about your partner's thoughts, feelings, or motivations can lead to misunderstandings, unnecessary conflict, resentment, and frustration when reality doesn’t match what you imagined. The same goes for assuming they know how you feel.

Example: You might assume your partner realizes you're upset about something they said, but if you don’t express it, they may not notice and continue as if nothing is wrong.

For additional examples, see Appendix A.

The benefits of expanding your perspective

Looking wider helps you to avoid overlooking important information, digging deeper helps you uncover underlying motivations and causes, and challenging assumptions helps you question what you’ve accepted as true without proof, opening the door to clearer thinking and better choices.

How to challenge assumptions

Challenging your assumptions involves two steps: first, becoming aware of them, and then actively challenging them. However, not every assumption needs scrutiny—it's impractical to investigate them all. Focus on the ones that influence important judgments and decisions, where the consequences matter.

⚒️ Become aware of your assumptions

The first step in addressing the assumptions that influence your judgments or decisions is to become aware of them. This can be tricky because, in the moment, assumptions often feel like facts. They’re beliefs that we accept without evidence, and they can sneak in unnoticed.

Here are some signs that you might be relying on assumptions rather than facts:

👉 You feel sure about something, but you haven’t checked if the evidence supports it.

👉 You react quickly to a situation without considering if your interpretation is accurate.

👉 You jump to conclusions based on limited information or past experiences.

👉 You don't take the time to question or reassess your initial reactions, assuming they’re correct.

In straightforward situations, you might be checking for one assumption, such as assuming someone is upset with you. Whereas in other situations, you might need to uncover multiple assumptions at play. For example, if you aren’t invited to a group outing, you might assume they intentionally left you out, that they don’t actually like you, and that you’ll never fully fit into the group.

To identify your assumptions, ask yourself questions like:

🤔 What assumptions am I making here? Check if you’re taking something for granted without considering other possibilities.

🤔 What do I believe to be true without evidence?  Reflect on whether you’ve questioned the foundation of your belief.

🤔 What gaps am I filling with my own explanations? See if you’re filling in missing details with your own interpretations instead of seeking out the full picture.

By asking these questions, you can start to recognize where assumptions are influencing your thinking, and open the door to clearer, more thoughtful decision-making.

Write down the assumptions you've identified, starting each one with “I assume...”. This helps you see clearly what you’re believing without evidence, making it easier to challenge them.

⚒️ Challenge your assumptions

Challenging your assumptions is a crucial step in improving your judgment and decision-making. The more you actively question what you’ve accepted as true, the better your choices become. This helps you respond more effectively to situations—whether it’s realizing that someone isn’t upset just because they didn’t respond to your message, recognizing that your project might take longer than you think, or understanding that working hard doesn’t always guarantee a promotion. By challenging your assumptions, you can see the situation more clearly and make more informed decisions.

Frame your questions as explorations, not criticisms, to open the door to curiosity. The goal is not to criticize or judge yourself for having assumptions, but to simply ask more questions and look for new perspectives.

Ask yourself questions such as

🤔 Why do I believe this assumption is true?  Think about where this belief comes from. Is it based on facts, personal experience, or just something you’ve always assumed?

🤔 What evidence supports this assumption? Look for reliable sources of information that confirm or deny the assumption. Consider whether the evidence is strong enough to rely on, or if you need more information before making a decision.   

🤔 What evidence contradicts this assumption? Confirmation bias makes us naturally look for evidence that supports what we already believe, so it’s important to consciously look for the opposite. Be proactive about seeking information that challenges your assumption. This helps you see the bigger picture and make a more balanced decision.  

🤔 What else could be true? Ask yourself if there are other explanations you haven’t considered. Could there be a different way to see this situation? Could the opposite be true?

🤔 How can I check this assumption before acting on it? Look for easy, low-risk ways to test your assumption—whether that’s asking someone directly, gathering more information, or running a small test.

To get answers to these questions you can:

👉 Look for supporting and contradicting evidence by researching reputable sources, such as books, articles, podcasts, or expert insights.

👉 If your assumption involves someone else, ask them directly to understand their thoughts, feelings, and motivations.

👉 Reflect on past experiences to see if they support or contradict your assumption. If they don’t align, your assumption may not be reliable. If they do, consider whether the circumstances are truly the same or if new factors could lead to a different outcome.

👉 Talk to people with different backgrounds or experiences. This can offer new insights and challenge your assumptions by showing you viewpoints you might not have considered.

👉 If possible, try low-risk tests or experiments to gather real-world data and see if your assumptions hold up in practice. For example, if you assume you'll enjoy a new activity, you could attend a class once and see if you really enjoy it. Or, if you assume a product won’t meet your expectations, you could test it in a store.

By challenging your assumptions, you make more informed and effective decisions. It helps you spot blind spots before they turn into costly mistakes, giving you the opportunity to adjust your approach and respond more thoughtfully to the world around you.


An assumption is something you believe to be true without checking for evidence. Drawing conclusions based on these beliefs without questioning them can lead to poor judgments and decisions. By taking the time to question your assumptions, you can make smarter, more thoughtful choices based on what's really going on.


Becoming Aware of Your Assumptions in Intimate Relationships, Psychology Today, by Teyhou Smyth Ph.D., LMFT

10 False Assumptions That Limit Confidence and Growth, Psychology Today, by Michelle P. Maidenberg Ph.D., MPH, LCSW-R, CGP

Appendix A

Additional areas where assumptions might play a role:

👉 Understanding values and needs – Assumptions can prevent you from reevaluating what truly matters, leading to choices that no longer align with your current values and needs.

Example: You might assume that what matters most to you will always remain the same, without questioning whether your values have shifted over time.

👉 Managing thoughts – Assumptions can make your thoughts feel like facts, causing you to accept them without questioning their accuracy.

Example: You might assume that every thought you have is true or meaningful, without recognizing that many thoughts are false or trivial.

👉 Managing feelings – Assumptions about your feelings can lead to avoidance or misinterpretation, making it harder to process and regulate them effectively.

Example: You might assume that ignoring a feeling will make it go away, not realizing that unaddressed feelings often linger or grow stronger.

👉 Designing your life – Assumptions about what’s possible can limit your options, causing you to overlook opportunities that might be more aligned with your true desires or potential.

Example: You might assume that a traditional path is the only route to success, without considering alternative paths that could offer greater fulfillment or personal growth.

👉 Cultivating habits – Assumptions about how habits form can lead to frustration when things don’t unfold as expected, making it harder to stay consistent.

Example: You might assume that motivation is essential to build a habit, without realizing that consistency and small steps are what matter most.

👉 Achieving goals – Assumptions about progress can create unrealistic expectations, leading to disappointment when things don’t go as planned.

Example: You might assume that progress should be linear, without preparing for inevitable setbacks and plateaus.

👉 Being mindful – Assumptions about mindfulness can lead to frustration, making it seem unattainable when your expectations don’t match the reality of the practice.

Example: You might assume that mindfulness means stopping thoughts, without understanding that it’s really about noticing them without attachment.

👉 Enhancing physical health – Assumptions about fitness and wellness can lead to ineffective or even harmful practices based on misconceptions.

Example: You might assume that working out more always leads to better fitness, without considering the importance of recovery and balance.


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