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The Be-Do-Have Model

Creating lasting change from the inside out.

Are you struggling to reach your goals despite putting in hard work?

Could shifting your mindset be the missing piece on your path to success?

Are you focusing on achieving outcomes or on becoming the person who achieves them?




The Be-Do-Have model is a framework used in personal development and goal setting. It emphasises the importance of first becoming the type of person who embodies the qualities necessary for achieving your desired goals (Be). This fundamental shift in mindset, from achieving to being, informs the actions you take (Do), which ultimately leads to achieving the results you seek (Have). This model helps align your actions with your desired identity and goals. For instance, to become a successful coach, one must first develop the necessary personal attributes and then take appropriate actions to build a successful practice.


This model contrasts with the common approach where people focus on having certain things first (Have), then doing activities related to those things (Do), and finally becoming a certain way (Be).


The Be-Do-Have model

👉 Be: This represents your state of being, including attitudes, beliefs, and mindsets. The model emphasizes that the type of person you are forms the foundation for reaching your goals. For example, embodying qualities such as being disciplined, setting boundaries, recovering quickly from setbacks, being a good listener, viewing obstacles as challenges, or appreciating honesty.


👉 Do: This involves the actions you take and the behavior you exhibit to reinforce your desired identity and achieve your goals. It includes the steps, habits, and routines you follow. Examples include practicing a skill regularly, working on a project diligently, or networking with others.


👉 Have: This represents the results or the outcomes you want to achieve, including the goals, possessions, or status you aspire to obtain. Examples include achieving financial success, maintaining a healthy body, or building strong relationships.


Benefits of the Be-Do-Have model

👉The Be-Do-Have model starts with self-awareness, encouraging reflection on your personal values, mindsets, and life purpose. This introspection helps you identify what truly matters and cultivates a mindset focused on personal growth and authenticity.


👉 By focusing on 'Be' first, you are empowered to take ownership of your life. This shift from external dependencies to internal capabilities fosters resilience and adaptability, allowing you to navigate challenges more effectively.


👉 Aligning your actions (Do) with your state of being (Be) makes your efforts more purpose-driven. This alignment ensures that actions are not just habitual responses to external demands but intentional steps towards meaningful goals.


👉 Changes rooted in inner transformation are more sustainable because they are built on a solid foundation of self-understanding and authenticity (Be). These changes are less likely to be superficial or short-lived, leading to long-term success and fulfilment.


Contrast with the common approach (Have-Do-Be)

In the Have-Do-Be mindset people tend to jump straight to the 'Have' phase, for example focusing on acquiring a fit and healthy body or a lot of money, without first changing their state of being (Be). This approach often leads to dissatisfaction and a lack of success or eventual loss, as evidenced by lottery winners who often lose their newfound wealth because they lack the mindset and habits necessary to maintain it.


⚒️ Applying the Be-Do-Have model

To effectively apply the Be-Do-Have model, follow these steps:


1️⃣ Determine the result you want to achieve

Begin by clearly defining the specific outcome or goal you wish to attain. For example, if you want to become a successful entrepreneur, your desired result might be to build a thriving, profitable business.


2️⃣ Identify your desired state of being

Ask yourself: Who do I need to be in order to accomplish this goal?

Determine the qualities and mindsets you need to embody to achieve your desired results. Reflect on the personal attributes that are essential for success in achieving your goal. For instance, to be a successful entrepreneur, you might need to be innovative, confident, and resilient.


3️⃣ Define actions based on your desired state of being

Ask yourself: What do I need to do to become who I need to be?

Identify the specific actions and behaviors that align with your desired state of being. These actions should reflect and reinforce your desired personal qualities and mindsets. For example, if you aim to be innovative, you could set aside regular time for creative brainstorming sessions and engage in continuous learning by taking courses, reading industry literature, and staying updated on market trends.

Every time you act in alignment with your desired state of being, you strengthen this identity. This is why daily habits are crucial: you become what you consistently do.


4️⃣ Focus on the desired outcomes

Keep your desired results in mind, but understand that they will naturally emerge as a consequence of your being and doing. This means prioritizing your desired state of being (personal qualities and mindsets) and the actions that flow from it. For example, as you consistently engage in innovative practices and maintain a resilient mindset, you will gradually build a successful business.




Periodically reflect on your progress and make adjustments to your desired state of being and actions as necessary. This ensures that you remain aligned with your goals and can adapt to new challenges or changes in your environment. Seek accountability and support from mentors, coaches, or peers who can provide guidance, feedback, and encouragement. Acknowledge and celebrate small successes along the way. Recognizing your achievements, no matter how minor, can reinforce your desired state of being and motivate you to continue taking purposeful actions.


For an application of the Be-Do-Have model and additional information see:

Habits: Determine the type of person you want to be.


An extension of this concept is the Be-Do-Have-Share model, which adds a fourth component: Share. This emphasizes the importance of sharing your journey, experiences and success with others, thereby increasing personal satisfaction, making a positive contribution to the community and fostering a collaborative and supportive environment.



The BE DO HAVE Model Simplified, Life Coaching professionally, by Wendy Buckingham

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