A3 Life Design

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Developing your personal principles

Close the gap between personal values and daily actions and decisions.

Are your daily actions and decisions in line with your personal values?

Do you know the personal principles that guide your daily actions and decisions?

What steps do you take to develop and improve your personal principles?


Personal values ​​are fundamental beliefs about how you want to behave and the kind of person you want to be. For example, you may want to behave in an honest way (value: honesty) and be an original and innovative person (value: creativity). Personal values are broad and abstract ideals that guide your choices and behaviors. The problem is that many people don’t always live by their values, which can cause feelings of frustration, guilt, and regret.

Personal principles are actionable guidelines that help you live your life and make decisions. They should be derived from and reflect your personal values. While personal values are generic ideals, personal principles provide specific, practical rules for everyday actions. These principles assist you in making choices that align with what you consider important, making it easier to act in accordance with your personal values.

Personal principles vary widely among individuals because they are shaped by each person's unique set of personal values, lived experiences and beliefs. Like values, principles are ongoing; they have no end date.

Examples of personal values and related personal principles

Here are some examples of personal values followed by related personal principles:

👉 Action: I make timely decisions and act on them without unnecessary delay. I set clear, actionable goals and take concrete steps to achieve them.

👉 Authenticity: I speak my truth with confidence, especially when it is difficult.

👉 Autonomy: I make my own decisions and take responsibility for them. I set boundaries that protect my freedom and individuality.

👉 Caring: I actively look for opportunities to help and support others.

👉 Compassion: I practice empathy by putting myself in others’ shoes.

👉 Competence: I continuously seek to improve my skills and knowledge.

👉 Curiosity: I embrace new experiences and ideas with an open mind. I ask questions and seek to understand the world around me. I actively question my beliefs and assumptions.

👉 Efficiency: I focus on the tasks and activities that have the greatest impact. I aim to achieve the highest possible results with the least amount of effort.

👉 Financial security: I save and invest wisely to build a stable future. I live within my means and avoid unnecessary debt.

👉 Growth: I seek out new learning opportunities. I embrace challenges as opportunities to improve.

👉 Health: I prioritize physical and mental well-being through regular exercise and a balanced diet. I take time to rest and manage stress effectively.

👉 Honesty: I always tell the truth, especially when it's difficult. I own up to my mistakes and make amends where necessary.

👉 Integrity: I always keep my promises, even when it's challenging. I stand by my principles, even in the face of pressure.

👉 Process-orientation: I remain fully engaged and attentive to the process, valuing the process as much as the outcome.

👉 Recognition: I acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of myself and others.

👉 Respect: I listen actively and speak courteously. I treat others with dignity and consideration.

👉 Responsibility: I take ownership of my actions and their consequences. I fulfill my commitments and obligations.

👉 Safety: I make choices that ensure my safety and the safety of others, avoiding unnecessary risks and promoting a secure environment.

👉 Self-reliance: I make an effort to find solutions to issues on my own before involving others.

👉 Service: I dedicate time and resources to helping others.

Personal principles offer practical ways to live by your values, guiding your daily actions and decisions. They help ensure that your behaviors align with what you believe is important.

Steps to define your personal principles

Defining your personal principles involves translating your personal values into specific, actionable guidelines that shape your behavior and decisions. This process ensures that your daily actions are consistently aligned with what you find most important.

1️⃣ Identify your personal values

If you haven’t already, figure out your personal values by following the steps outlined here or by trying one of the many methods available online. You’ll end up with a list of personal values along with the core values you’ve chosen.

Example: If "autonomy" is one of your core values, you would include it in your list of personal values.


2️⃣ Translate values into personal principles

Consider what each value means to you and create clear, specific statements about how you will apply that value in your daily life. These statements should be easy to understand and use in various situations, serving as guidelines for your actions and decisions. Every statement must start with the word 'I'. If needed, think about past experiences where this value was important and how it influenced your choices.  

Example: Reflect on what "autonomy" means to you and how it can be practiced daily. For instance, you might create statements like: "I make my own decisions and take responsibility for them" and "I set boundaries that protect my freedom and individuality."  

3️⃣ Test and refine your principles

Start using your principles in daily decisions and actions. See how they affect your behavior and interactions with others. Regularly check if your principles match your personal values and if they are helping you reach your goals. Make changes as needed to better fit your evolving understanding and circumstances.

Example: Start using your principles in everyday decisions. Notice if "I make my own decisions and take responsibility for them" keeps you true to your values and if "I set boundaries that protect my freedom and individuality" helps maintain your personal space and independence.

4️⃣ Commit to your principles

Make a conscious effort to include your principles into your daily routine and decisions. Being consistent is important for them to work well. Regularly review your principles to ensure they still reflect your values and guide your actions effectively. Update them as needed based on changes in your values or life circumstances.

Example: Make an effort to follow your principles every day. Consistently apply "I make my own decisions and take responsibility for them" and "I set boundaries that protect my freedom and individuality" in your routine and decision-making.

Additional tips

👉 Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself when you don’t live up to your principles perfectly. Self-compassion helps you stay motivated and resilient in the face of challenges

👉 Handle negative thoughts and feelings: Not living up to your personal principles can activate painful thoughts and feelings. Defuse or question these painful thoughts, and allow yourself to feel difficult feelings without judgment.

👉 Write them down: Document your principles in writing. This helps clarify them and provides a reference you can revisit to stay aligned with your values.

👉 Integrate gradually: Start by applying one or two principles at a time to avoid overwhelming yourself. Gradually integrate more as you become comfortable.

👉 Be patient: Developing and sticking to personal principles takes time. Be patient with yourself and stay committed to the process.

👉 Celebrate successes: Recognize and celebrate when you successfully apply your principles. This positive reinforcement can motivate you to continue adhering to them.




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